“Adventure is a path. Real adventure - self-determined, self-motivated, often risky - forces you to have firsthand encounters with the world. The world the way it is, not the way you imagine it. Your body will collide with the earth and you will bear witness. In this way you will be compelled to grapple with the limitless kindness and bottomless cruelty of humankind - and perhaps realize that you yourself are capable of both. This will change you. Nothing will ever again be black-and-white.” - Mark Jenkins

What's next?

Teaching job in Arras, France!

A Jersey girl traveling the world one country at a time....

Monday, October 20, 2008


So the day before I left for fall break (October 15th), I go out to my car to see a bright orange ticket on my windshield, with the word "VIOLATION" on the front. I'm thinking, what in the world could I possibly get a violation for? Well, it turns out, I was parked incorrectly... How that's possible, I don't really know. But, I am appealing it, so we'll see what happens. 

The whole thing made me laugh really, because in my head, I could hear my friend Alice's voice saying, "Only in Chestertown." Which is absolutely true. Here is a compilation of things that have happened to me so far this semester... Things that seem to only be possible in this small town on the Eastern Shore:

1.) Getting pulled over the first night back at school. Somehow, in the ONE MILE it takes for me to drive from school to the river, only in Chestertown can you get pulled over.

2.) Only in Chestertown will an old lady with a limp approach you at 5:30 am at Dunkin Donuts to tell you "I will pay you to help me bucket out the water from me cellar. Just get into my car..." Yes, at Dunkin Donuts at 5:30 AM. 

3.) Only in Chestertown will you see an intoxicated 23 year old from God-knows-where, come up to you at 2:30 to tell you that although he has TWO hotel rooms, he is looking for a a bar to sleep at. Oh, and he was standing on the dock of the river while telling us this... As if there might be a bar on the river?

4.) Only in Chestertown will you find going to the Library a social event.

5.) Only in Chestertown will you find going to the river at 3 am incredibly fun. 

6.) Only in C-town will you dance in the parking lot of the dock by yourselves at 2 am.

7.) Only in C-town will you stay up all night at said dock, doing nothing but talking, looking forward to DD opening at 5:30, so you can get coffee. 

8.) Only in C-town will a man you have never seen before touch your purse and say, "This is shit." What that means, you still don't know. 

9.) Only in C-town will a seemingly drunken farmer ask you who will win the Presidential Election. When you respond "McCain" he says that he will vote for Obama because "Biden is from Delaware and because MD is next to DEL, he will look out for us." ... Huh?

10.) Then, the seemingly drunken farmer will engage you in a ten minute conversation about how women are the problem with this country, and how he is suing 14 women in November. (?)

11.) Only in C-town will a man with an amputated arm talk about his sexcapades to a store full of customers. 

That's all I can think of for now....

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1, 2008

So today was my study abroad interview, and everything went smoothly! So next week, I should be receiving my acceptance letter which means one thing:


... Can you tell I'm excited? 

Anyway, this blog was mostly created for friends/family to be able to see how I'm doing, keep in touch, my [second] impressions of Paris, etc. 

But in the 3 1/2 months we have before that, the topic: WAC. [Washington College for those who don't know.]

Alright, to begin, let me start by saying this fall semester = MUCH better than last fall semester. However, there are a few things bothering me:

1.) We have a lot of complainers at this school. Seriously, shut up already, cuz your complaints are getting old. Do you think I don't see the construction everyday? Why do you feel the need to write an article to the Elm every week? Do you think your complaints will make the construction go faster? 

2.) Democrats: For the love of God, is the reason why you keep publishing stories about McCain simply because there's nothing to write about for Obama? Why don't you start highlighting what Obama has done and stop writing about Mc.... oh wait. That's right! You can't because Obama HASN'T done anything! I keep forgetting...

... No seriously, though. I honestly don't have a problem with Obama except his lack of experience. I'm sure he's a great guy, but seriously, could the media be any more biased? 

Question: Why do people look at me with sympathy when I say I'm republican?

3.) A certain professor. You can't even remember my name, and you want me to take your advice about my future? You don't know me at all, sir, let alone my name, so why would I listen to your opinions? SORRY. 

4.) The fact that my econ exams count for 30% of my grade. C'mon Dr. Daniels! 30%?! Isn't that a bit much? 

5.) The fact that I think I want to double major. What's wrong with me? Why am I making this harder than it already is? 

6.) Why do you walk around without shoes? I'm sorry, but that's just gross. Aren't you afraid you're going to contract some sort of disease? Step in spit/gum/vomit?

7.) The fact that President Lynnie makes $285k/year. WHAT?! What do you do? You don't have to pay for your $5 million president's house... where does all that money go? So you meet with the Board of Visitors and Governors like once a month... so what?

Well, I'm off to do a presentation on an article I can't find on the internet. It's 12:05 am, so I should probably get started. 


P.S. Go see Eagle Eye.